Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick and Treat Safety for your Pets

Here are some dos and don’ts for Trick or Treat.
·         Make sure your pet’s costume is lightweight, not confining.
·         If your pet is afraid of the costume, please don’t force the issue.
·         If your pet finds the constant ringing of the doorbell stressful, please remove your pet from the action and tuck her in a safe, quiet spot.
·         Make sure your pets cannot escape through an open door or window.
·         Kitties should probably be closed off in another room.
·         Dogs should be walked on leashes for potty breaks.
·         Please keep all Halloween candy and treats like raisins, chocolate, trail mix etc. out of the reach of your dog.  Cats don’t like sweets, so they are usually safe from eating the candy.
·         Not only is candy a health threat, but so are the wrappers.
·         Beware of fire hazards with candles.  Cats love to play in a flickering candy flame.
·         Glow sticks and jewelry are popular…cats and dogs love to gnaw on them.
As careful as you are, sometimes they can slip out the door.  Please make sure you have identification on them if this happens

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