Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pet of the Month... The Golden Retriever

Hi Pet Lovers,

Each month Fit Pets and People will be featuring a pet of the month.  We will be talking about the history, personality, if the breed is right for you and some things you should know about the breed.
Your comments are always welcome and encouraged.  I would love to learn about your experiences with your Golden Retriever.

This months feature pet is the lovable Golden Retriever.  Let's take a look back on the history of the Golden.

In the late 1800’s the Golden Retriever originated in the Scottish Highlands.  At that time, they were used predominantly hunting dogs.  Lord Tweedmouth developed the breed.  His goal was to create a superb retriever suited to the Scottish climate, terrain and available game.  Lord Tweedmouth crossed his original “Yellow Retriever” with the Tweed Water Spaniel.  The Tweed Water Spaniel is now extinct.  Later breeding with the Irish Setter, Bloodhound, and more Tweed Water Spaniels produced the retriever that we know today.

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