Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Do Your Pets Have Stiffness in Their Joints?

Do you love to play and do things together with your pet?... or, like my Sydney, she loves to follow me from room to room.  I just love her company.

Have you ever noticed that your pet may be a little stiff when they stand up or walk?
Sometimes we don’t think about our pets and their flexibility or comfort. We tend to think this is for older dogs and cats.  Unfortunately, this isn't always the case.

Research shows that nearly 1 in 3 cats over the age of eight could use support for joint function and comfort.  For dogs, it’s 1 in 5 that could use support for their joints.  Especially the larger breeds.

What we have found out is that dogs may need support way before their senior years.

Take a moment and watch your pet walk, lie down or stand up.  You may have a dog or cat that is in need of joint support.

Studies show that even kitties as young as eight or puppies just reaching their prime could benefit from support for their joints. 
There are a number of things you can do to help improve function and to promote joint comfort in your pet.

  •          Help your pet maintain a normal body weight
  •          Provide your pet with a human grade diet to avoid added preservatives
  •          Provide a warm place for them to lay and sleep
  •          Provide appropriate exercise to maintain muscle mass and joint flexibility
  •          Visit your veterinarian for wellness checkups
  •          Give your pet a supplement to promote and protect hip and joint health
We are finding that preventive health for our pets will help them live a long and healthy life.  Our pets are not that much different then us with their needs.

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