Monday, January 20, 2014

The Maine Cool

The Maine Coon is quite the wonderful pet. Maine Coon Cats are intelligent, trainable, described as “dog like”. They will offer you hours of enjoyment with their antics but can at times be intrusive. Without question they want to be part of everything and your privacy may require a closed door between you and your cat. Most Maine Coon Cats have a fondness of water, to be in it, watch it, wash their food in it, or just plain play in it, so don’t be surprised if you have an uninvited guest in your shower or help washing the dishes on any given day.

The Maine Coon Cat has a silky and somewhat oily coat, it is not dense and its upkeep is much easier than that of other long haired breeds. The coat is almost self-maintained but will require occasional grooming. Because they love attention of any kind, grooming is easily accomplished. 

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